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+49 6151 429 409

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Felix Jung
Patient consultant

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Patient consultant Felix Jung

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Monday to Friday from
9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
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Penis enlargement surgery

Frequently asked questions

This surgical procedure has already existed for over 50 years and we, the German Centre for Urology and Phalloplasty Surgery, have decisively improved and optimised it in the last 25 years. The international press calls Germany the world champion in penis enlargement surgery and our high-quality work provides for this reputation.

This surgical procedure is not learned in training as a specialist registrar or in seminars. It requires high personal aptitude and years of special training.

Please do not be taken in by surgeons who have supposedly learned this procedure in a ‘course’ or ‘seminar’. This type of special surgery cannot be learned in 3 days.

(Author’s response checked by the expert Dr Christoph Jethon, MD)

No. The surgery is conceived as an ultimate solution.

(Author’s response checked by the expert Dr Christoph Jethon, MD)

No. The size of the penis changes, but not its function.

(Author’s response checked by the expert Dr Christoph Jethon, MD)

It is low-risk surgery PROVIDED THAT it is skilfully performed by a surgeon who has been performing it for years and has the experience of hundreds of cases. In the consultation you will be informed about your individual risk, which also relates to your overall health.

(Author’s response checked by the expert Dr Christoph Jethon, MD)

No, not with us. We perform the surgery in such a gentle, non-traumatic and expedient way that we have been able to perform this surgery as outpatient surgery for 20 years.

If you have an office job, then you can return to work after approximately one week. If your work is physically strenuous, then you can return to work after 2-3 weeks.

(Author’s response checked by the expert Dr Christoph Jethon, MD)

After five weeks.

(Author’s response checked by the expert Dr Christoph Jethon, MD)

This depends on the course of the surgery and will be explained to you on site by the surgeon.

(Author’s response checked by the expert Dr Christoph Jethon, MD)

Our work is so professional and harmless to you that we have been able to perform this surgery with the patient in harmless twilight sleep for 20 years already. If desired, naturally we can also offer general anaesthesia. An anaesthesiologist is always present as a strict rule!

(Author’s response checked by the expert Dr Christoph Jethon, MD)

Thickening using transplanted fatty tissue generates the best results and, when done professionally, is permanent, though it is a difficult procedure that requires a proficient surgeon. Inserting foreign material is indeed significantly easier for the surgeon, but generates worse results and involves a significant risk of infection, in the worst case with the complete loss of the penis.

(Author’s response checked by the expert Dr Christoph Jethon, MD)

Citizens of Western European countries are used to everyone in the EU Member States adhering to the same standards and mistakenly believe that this will also be the case in Turkey or Eastern Europe. For the sake of saving money, they forget why these countries have not yet become EU Member States and why they are criticised by the European Union.

Only the NHS, the British National Health Service, has published that it must spend 65 million pounds per year correcting botched surgeries performed on British citizens in Turkey. Though often the problem is no longer possible to correct, unfortunately.

If you want to risk having a penis that no longer functions or in the worst case no penis at all after the surgery just to save a few euros, then you are welcome to travel to such countries, but otherwise it should really be reconsidered.

Just to be clear: We definitely are not available for the correction of botched surgeries performed in such countries.

(Author’s response checked by UGRS Medical Director Joerg Hagen)

This surgery is not taught in urologist training, nor in the training to become any other type of medical specialist. The doctor you are asking therefore knows just as little about this surgery as you do. Doctors just naturally want to say something about it that sounds smart and not admit that they don’t have a clue about it. Doctors are only human, after all, so no one will hold that against them.

Some male doctors (old as well as young, unfortunately) also hold the view that women are not entitled to their own sexuality, not even these days, and therefore the request for a larger penis should be rejected. And what can prevent a surgery more than the claim that it won’t achieve anything?

If they don’t know how this surgery is performed in its modern form, then they can’t say anything about its results either.

Of course it will be larger even when erect.

There is a simple and very old surgical technique that only affects penis size when flaccid. But we do not perform this surgery.

(Author’s response checked by the expert Dr Christoph Jethon, MD)

No, the surgeon (enlargement is always performed by the Chief Surgeon as a strict rule) is a plastic surgeon, i.e. a doctor who has gone through special surgical training with a focus on form. The Chief Surgeon also has many (20) years of special experience in this specific surgery.

Patients wrongly believe that the medical specialist who performs penis enlargement surgeries would be a urologist because they incorrectly believe that urologists are andrologists. But they aren’t. A urologist is a medical specialist for uriniferous organs. The only reason why there are usually more men than women sitting in a urologist’s office is that the prostate hinders urination in older men.

(Author’s response checked by UGRS Medical Director Joerg Hagen)

Because we are a serious institution, not a pornographic website. You can surely imagine how your penis would look if larger, and if we operate then it will naturally look that way afterwards, not in a way that everyone can see that surgery has been performed on it.

In addition, the presentation of photos would violate the anonymity of the patients in question to a certain extent, and we wouldn’t want to do that under any circumstances. Men’s penises do not all look the same, so a former partner could identify a man by his penis.

We are certainly not going to do something like that to our patients for the purposes of advertising.

(Author’s response checked by UGRS Medical Director Joerg Hagen)

No, absolutely not.

We are known around the world for our extreme data privacy and guaranteed anonymous treatment.

That is why some celebrities, politicians and athletes have their penis surgery performed by us.

(Author’s response checked by UGRS Medical Director Joerg Hagen)

Not in our experience. Just the opposite, in fact. For years we have been using lawyers and courts to fight the doctors and clinics who place fake patient stories in such forums for advertisement. They pretend to be real patients, some with moving stories, but they are not real.

Usually clinics with too few patients attempt to circumvent the legal regulations and prohibitions that apply to advertisements on doctor websites by inventing patients in these types of forums.

Sometimes these fake posts are easy to identify even for you as a patient because the ad writers use certain words or expressions that would not normally be used by patients. But these fake posts have gotten better over the years.

In general, it is the case that men who have undergone penis enlargement surgery do not post in patient forums. For one thing, they no longer have a small penis after the surgery, and for another thing, they would be disclosing how it is done to every other man.

The utmost caution is therefore required in forums where men are supposedly reporting about genital surgeries they have undergone.

(Author’s response checked by UGRS Medical Director Joerg Hagen)



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Consultation & appointments

Call us or write to us. You can reach us by phone Monday to Friday from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and from 2:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m